Geomys is an organization of open source maintainers, founded by Filippo Valsorda.
Ge·omys (ˌjē-ə-mis) n. 1 (Sci.) a genus of mammals often collectively referred to as the eastern pocket gophers 2 an organization of open source maintainers
Geomys maintains a portfolio of critical Go ecosystem projects:
packages in the Go standard library (co-maintained with the Google Go team)
crypto packages, including Geomys retainer offers organizations the opportunity to ensure the sustainability of their foundational Go dependencies, and direct access to the expertise of the maintainers.
If you’re betting your business on a critical open source technology, you
- want it to be sustainably and predictably maintained; and
- need occasional access to expertise that would be blisteringly expensive to acquire and retain.[*]
Getting maintainers on retainer solves both problems for a fraction of the cost of a fully-loaded full-time engineer. From the maintainers’ point of view, it’s steady income to keep doing what they do best. It’s a great deal for both sides.
Read more in the Geomys announcement. Contact us at hi@ on this domain.
Dominik Honnef embarked on his open-source journey nearly two decades ago, first by distributing small scripts and utilities, later shifting to creating a multitude of libraries. He has been a part of the Go ecosystem ever since Go's 1.0 release in 2012, developing popular components such as go-mode for Emacs and Staticcheck, the widely used static analysis tool. Today, his primary focus centers on ensuring code quality and correctness, and enhancing debuggability, striving for comprehensive insights into program behavior.
Dominik Honnef begann seine Open-Source-Reise vor fast zwei Jahrzehnten, zunächst mit kleinen Skripten und Tools, später mit Bibliotheken. Seit der Veröffentlichung von Go 1.0 im Jahr 2012 ist er Teil des Go-Ökosystems und entwickelt beliebte Komponenten wie den go-mode für Emacs und Staticcheck, das weit verbreitete Tool zur statischen Analyze von Go Code. Heutzutage konzentriert er sich vor allem darauf, die Qualität und Korrektheit von Code sicherzustellen und die Debugbarkeit zu verbessern, wobei er umfassende Einblicke in Programmverhalten anstrebt.
Nicola Murino is deeply passionate about open source technologies. The type of person who prefers to learn by doing, he created SFTPGo to learn Go, and along the way contributed to several other Go libraries. He now maintains He's been living in Milan for a decade and using Linux for two.
Nicola è profondamente appassionato di tecnologie Open Source. È il tipo di persona che preferisce imparare facendo, quindi per imparare Go ha creato SFTPGo e durante questo percorso ha contribuito a diverse altre librerie Go. Ora è il manutentore di Ha visto Milano per un decennio e usa Linux da due.
Filippo Valsorda is a cryptography engineer and open source maintainer. He’s been a maintainer of the Go cryptography standard library since 2018, first at Google, where he led the Go Security team, and then as a professional, full-time, independent maintainer. He worked on the design of the Go Checksum Database and of TLS 1.3. Before Google, he was on the Cryptography team at Cloudflare. He attended the Recurse Center.
Filippo Valsorda è un crittografo applicato e manutentore di software Open Source. È stato manutentore della libreria standard di crittografia di Go dal 2018, prima a Google, dove ha guidato il team di sicurezza di Go, e poi come manutentore indipendente a tempo pieno. Ha lavorato al design del Go Checksum Database e di TLS 1.3. Prima di Google, era nel team di crittografia di Cloudflare. Ha frequentato il Recurse Center.
Daniel McCarney is a systems security engineer focused on applied cryptography and internet-scale infrastructure. He's a maintainer of Rustls, a high-performance TLS implementation written in Rust, and has made numerous open source contributions spanning both the Rust and Go communities. While at Let's Encrypt, he helped design and standardize the ACME protocol (RFC 8555), developing the software and specification that has since secured over 500 million domains. He lives in the Laurentides, Quebec, where the forest provides the perfect setting for digging in to complex challenges.